Oroi´s Tour
Realidad Virtual Tercera edad - - 1 Min.
International virtual cycling competition for care homes for the elderly.

Oroi´s Tour
March will see the start of the Tour de Oroi, the international virtual cycling competition for care homes and day care centres!
A ranking will be established, and there will be a winner every three months. The prize for the winner will consist on a trophy and the filming of virtual tours based on their requests. The centre with the most virtual tours with Oroi Fit will be the winner of the competition! Teamwork of our seniors to win the jersey! Subscribe to Oroi Fit and take part in the Tour de Oroi!
Would you like to know more about it? Would you be interested in participating?
Write to us at and find out about the registration conditions!

Das Virtual Reality Unternehmen OROI ernennt Linda Hypki zur Direktorin für Marketing und Vertrieb

Der Einsatz fing bei Computerspielen und Co. an und ist nun fester Bestandteil in der Pflege - VR